- February 19, 2025
The nonprofit Embracing Our Differences has postponed its celebration that was scheduled to begin at noon on Sunday, Jan. 19 on the Sarasota bayfront.
Now in its 22nd year, EOD's outdoor exhibition of 50 pieces of billboard-sized art and accompanying quotes is on display from Jan. 19 through April 13 at Bayfront Park. Only the opening day festivities have been canceled, not the exhibit itself.
To promote its message of inclusion, kindness and respect, Embracing Our Differences holds an annual competition that this year received more than 10,000 entries from 122 countries and 46 states.
Those who want to take a free guided tour of this year's EOD exhibition can do so at 10 a.m. on Saturdays from Jan. 25 through April 12. Visitors can also browse and buy merchandise, including "upcycled" products from past exhibition banners.
Members of the public can support the mission of Embracing Our Differences by purchasing tickets to its upcoming luncheon on Feb. 21 at The Ora, 578 McIntosh Road. Tickets are $85.
Those who want to take a road trip can join a March 8 celebration at noon in St. Petersburg's Poynter Park, where the Embracing Our Differences exhibition will run from March 1-31. For more information, visit EmbracingOurDifferences.org.