Cops Corner

Restaurant worker claims boss punctured her tire

A woman told police that she believes her general manager hired someone to puncture her tire. This and other Sarasota Police Department reports in this week's Cops Corner.

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  • | 8:00 a.m. August 30, 2023
  • Sarasota
  • Cops Corner
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Wednesday, Aug. 17

Puncture for hire

9:45 a.m., SPD headquarters

Criminal mischief: An employee at a downtown restaurant arrived at the front desk to report that a tire was punctured while she was at work, and that she believes her general manager is responsible for the damage. Around midnight the previous night, she said she found her front right tire was flat, and that she believes the puncture was intentional.

She said she believes the general manager hired someone to puncture the tire because they have had ongoing work-related issues. She provided text messages between her and the general manager outlining the nature of the dispute, but no threats of harm to her person or property were made. 

The complainant stated she had already inquired about security footage from the parking garage, and requested the officer not contact the subject as there is an internal investigation underway. Once she receives video or further evidence of the crime she will provide it to police. This case was rendered inactive for insufficient evidence. If further evidence is received, the case will be updated.

Thursday, Aug. 18

Bike buyer bilked by bad battery

7:42 p.m, 800 block of Central Avenue

Civil dispute: The buyer of a new electric bicycle with a dead battery that could not be charged called police because a salesman refused to exchange the bike or refund the payment. The complainant said he bought the bike the day prior, paying $750 in cash with an agreement to bring the remaining $400 the next day. 

The man advised that the salesman wrote up an invoice but never received a receipt for the payment he made. The officer explained that could be problematic. He also advised he made contact with the salesman and explained the battery problem, and was told he had to purchase a new battery. The complainant was charged up by this response because the bike was new.

As a result, the bike buyer said he would not pay the remaining $400 balance and was told the police would be called and he would be charged with theft. The complainant said he called law enforcement to have his side of the matter on record. It was determined no crime had occured and that it was a civil matter.

Saturday, Aug. 20

Open carry of a phone

2:47 p.m., North Tamiami Trail near Myrtle Street

Suspicious incident: An anonymous complainant said he observed a man wearing a red shirt and blue shorts run across North Tamiami Trail from Myrtle Street from a drug store, possibly carrying a revolver. Officers canvassed the area and located a man fitting the description. He advised that he did run from the store across the road because he doesn’t trust traffic. He allowed officers to search him and no gun was found. He was carrying a phone with a silver portable charger, which possibly was confused with a gun.

Sunday, Aug. 21

Laundry loiterer

2:05 p.m. 200 block of North Lime Avenue

Dispute: Police responded to a laundromat regarding a dispute, and upon arrival contacted a man who alleged the owner of the business was calling him derogatory names and that he spit on him. The owner said the man was not doing laundry and that he was told to leave. At that, he said the loiterer got up and starting addressing him with colorful metaphors that included racial slurs and engaging in inappropriate activities with one’s mother.

The argument then moved outside of the business where the owner admitted to shouting expletives multiple times and, if there was spitting, it was only a result of shouting in close proximity. Video footage showed no evidence of saliva projecting from the owner’s mouth nor did the complainant wipe his face. No further action was taken.

Repeat offender

8:32 p.m., 2000 block of Hillview Street

Property damage: Police were called to document an incident in which a complainant said his girlfriend had torn a screen door from its frame at his residence. He knew it was her, he said, because she called him to confess. The victim said his girlfriend, who was arrested at that address just two days earlier, also lives there. He added he does not wish to press charges, but did want to document the damage for the property manager.


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