Cops Corner

Motorcycle seller ghosts buyer with tardy title transfer

Police suspect fraud when purchaser by proxy reports no title two months after buying a Harley. This and other Sarasota Police Department reports in this week's Cops Corner.

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  • | 5:00 a.m. June 19, 2024
  • Sarasota
  • Cops Corner
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Thursday, June 6

Dropped his drawers

1:37 p.m., 3300 block of Bayshore Road

Lewd and lascivious act: A woman’s relaxing afternoon at a bayside park was interrupted by what she perceived to be the threat of a man preparing to brandish a weapon.

The complainant said that while walking her dog a tall, thin male approximately 50 years of age attempted to strike up a conversation. That’s when he reached into his waistband for what she feared might be a weapon, at which time she ran toward the water to retrieve her pet.

When she turned around, she noticed the man’s pants were lowered to the ground while he was engaging in self-gratifying behavior inappropriate for a public setting. The complainant then proceeded to run across the street and drive off in her golf cart.

Because she frequents the park, the woman did not want officers to let the subject, if apprehended, know it was her who called law enforcement for fear of reprisal. The area of Indian Beach Park was searched by officers, but the man was not found.

Saturday, June 8

Kid’s rock

6:42 p.m., unknown block of Florida Avenue

Juvenile disturbance: Her daughter-in-law’s car damaged by a hurled rock, the victim told officers she wished to press charges against multiple juveniles. 

The complainant advised the car was struck by the stone, after which she witnessed four juveniles shouting profanities and gesturing with a globally recognized upturned single finger. She stated she did not witness which of them threw the rock, but after the incident a fresh scratch was noted. 

Neither woman knew the identities of the juveniles, although detailed descriptions were provided. A canvass of the area by two officers yielded no results.

Sunday, June 9

Youthful resistance

1:14 a.m., 1500 block of Main Street

Disturbance: While officers were in the area, they were notified of an individual possibly causing a disturbance and standing near the street drinking a beer in a glass bottle. The subject, who is 19 years old, was located, and as officers approached, he put down the bottle and attempted to walk away briskly.

Claiming to not have any identification in his possession, one officer noted a bulge in his pocket in the shape of a wallet, which, when asked, the subject produced. 

As the subject began to resist arrest for underage possession of an alcoholic beverage, officers physically lowered him to the ground where he was properly secured and placed in hand restraints, in the process suffering minor lacerations to both knees and the left side of his face, none of which required medical attention.

Monday, June 10

Title trouble

5:12 p.m., SPD headquarters

Suspicious incident: A man who was coordinating a motorcycle purchase off Facebook Marketplace for a friend reported what police suspect is a possible fraud. The advertised bike was a 2008 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic.

The complainant said he transferred funds received from his friend to the seller, the invoice carrying a Boulevard of the Arts address. He said he did retrieve he motorcycle and was waiting to ship it overseas, but was waiting for the title to be transferred.

The transaction took place on April 21.

Law enforcement determined the incident appears to be a possible fraud. However, as the claim was not originated by the purchaser of the motorcycle, no further action could be taken until such contact was made.


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