- February 18, 2025
8:14 p.m., 3000 block of Bay Street
Dispute: A man engaged in a text message argument with the renter of a room in his home contacted an officer wishing to document a civil issue. He said he had sublet a room in a home he rents to a woman who wants to break the lease and vacate the room. The two were texting back and forth, each feeling they were being threatened by the other.
The officer determined that while the tone of the text battle was hostile, there were no direct threats made. The man was advised that if the woman decides to stay in the wake of the dispute, it will be up to the landlord to evict her.
3300 block of Seventh Street
Domestic dispute: Two officers responded to a call from a woman asking them to meet her at her home and stand by while she gathered her belongings. She explained she and her husband have been in a dispute because he believes she has been unfaithful with a delivery company driver.
The previous evening, she said the two argued over the phone, the complainant claiming he was drinking and a firearm was implied. Officers confirmed the couple does own a handgun, which she said he had recently removed from the medical practice office they own and brought home. She said she since had removed and hidden the gun’s magazine.
The woman said she had not been threatened, and that the driver was a family friend. Neither she nor her husband , who arrived at the home while officers were present, would identify the driver. As officers spoke to the woman, her husband began to leave the home. Officers searched him to ensure he was not carrying the weapon. He said he was planning to go to the driver’s employer and file a complaint. Once he left, officers stood by while the woman gathered some belongings. No further action was taken.
10:13 p.m., 1000 block of Sylvan Drive
Property damage: A loosely covered manhole apparently caused damage to a man’s car as he drove over it. When police arrived, the manhole cover was located next to an open manhole with a traffic cone located next to it. He said while turning onto Sylvan Drive from North Tamiami Trail he drove over the manhole, then pulled over when he heard what sounded like the cover popping off, discovering the bumper had fallen off his vehicle.
An officer documented the incident, and officers placed the cover back over the hole and notified the city to inspect it.
12:12 a.m., 200 block of North Shade Avenue
Criminal mischief: The complainant told police his uncle damaged his truck after threatening by text to do so. He said he was in his hotel room with his girlfriend when his uncle texted him and — employing colorful metaphors — threatened to damage the vehicle. This followed an argument over the uncle accusing him of “stealing weed from him,” according to the police report.
The complainant said there was a witness who had claimed to have seen the incident occur, but officers were unable to contact that individual. They also canvassed the area for video surveillance, finding none. An officer advised the complainant to obtain an estimate to repair the damage and to contact him with the information.
10 p.m., 1600 block of Devonshire Lane
Civil dispute: After a moving company refused to deliver a couch, which was apparently nice enough to have moved from more than 1,500 miles away, police were called to settle the dispute over the last 50 feet of the trip. The complainant said he hired a moving company to move a sofa to his residence. When the movers arrived, he attempted to pay the remaining balance via online app, but the transfer was not completed.
One of the movers told an officer that because the payment was not transferred, he would not release the piece of furniture. He advised that if the complainant could not pay for the delivery, it would be taken to a warehouse in Tampa to be delivered later once payment goes through, at an additional charge.
The complainant contacted his bank to cancel the transaction, then drove to the bank and withdrew cash to pay the movers. Once paid, delivery of the couch was completed, and no further action was needed.