- February 18, 2025
After a couple months of vacation up north, Longboat resident Cynthia Sullivan returned to some familiar friends along her seawall: dolphins.
The pair, which she calls mom and baby, have been regularly visiting her area since she first bought the property eight years ago. The baby, she said, has been around for about three years, and Sullivan believes it’s the same pair that’s been visiting.
About two years ago, she moved full-time to her bayfront house near Longboat Harbour and said she gets to enjoy the visits.
They swim up and down her seawall almost daily, she said.
Sullivan enjoys sitting outside by the bay and can usually hear the dolphins as they approach.
“I’m a nature lover,” Sullivan said. “(Longboat Key) is a great place to watch nature.”
The visits have become so popular that her neighbors have dubbed her as the “dolphin whisperer” and bring her dolphin-related trinkets.