- February 17, 2025
‘A World of Harmony’
7 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 1050 S. Tuttle Ave.
$20; at door $25
Visit SarasotaJewishChorale.org.
The Sarasota Jewish Chorale’s more than 30 volunteer singers share their diverse musical heritage in their spring concert.
Healing Through Art
6-8 p.m. at Siesta Key Wine Bar, 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key
Visit MoreTooLife.org.
More Too Life, a Florida-based anti-human trafficking organization, partners with Sarasota artist Marie Therese Lacroix for a fund-raiser for the nonprofit that provides services to children, youth and young adults victimized by human exploitation.
Palmer Modern Grand Opening
5:30-7:30 p.m. at 925 N. Lime Ave.
Visit CraigPalmerArt.com.
This event celebrates the opening of local abstract artist Craig Palmer’s art gallery with studios for working artists in a converted warehouse in the neighborhood known as the Limelight District.
Museum Outing
12:30 p.m. at The Paradise Center, 546 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key
$20; members $15
Call 383-6493.
Carpool to the Marietta Museum of Art & Whimsy or meet at 1 p.m. at the museum, 2121 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota.
Jazz at Two: Sarasota Jazz Project
2 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota, 3975 Fruitville Road
Visit JazzClubSarasota.org.
Directed by co-founder George McLain, 17-piece band plays the music of the great big bands as well as original compositions and arrangements.
‘Cruise It or Lose It’
7 p.m. at The Players Studio, 1400 Blvd. of the Arts, Suite 200
Visit ThePlayers.org.
The 55+ performance group the Players Follies present a musical set aboard the maiden voyage of the S.S. Luna Sea, and it’s anything but smooth sailing. Continues on April 1 and 2 p.m. on April 2.
Masterworks: ‘A Hero’s Life’
7:30 p.m. at Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, 777 North Tamiami Trail
Visit SarasotaOrchestra.org.
The Sarasota Orchestra performs Richard Strauss’ thinly veiled musical autobiography, which has been thrilling audiences for 125 years. Carlos Miguel Prieto, music director of the Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de México and of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, will conduct. Continues Saturday and Sunday.
37th Annual Run for the Turtles
7:30 a.m. at Siesta Beach, 948 Beach Road, Siesta Key
Visit Mote.org/run.
Lace up your running shoes and help raise money for endangered sea turtles. The 1-mile fun run begins at 7:30 a.m., followed by a 5K Run sanctioned by Manasota Track Club. Proceeds benefit Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium.
EGGstravaganza at Waterside Park
9:30 a.m. at Lakewood Ranch, 7500 Island Cove Terrace, Unit 103
$10 residents; $20 nonresidents
Visit LWRCA.org.
Children separated by age groups (3-5, 6+) can search for thousands of Easter eggs spread out across the park in this event hosted by Lakewood Ranch Community Activities. Other family fun includes face painting and photos with the Easter Bunny as well as food and refreshments. Pre-registration is required.
Sarasota Open Air Fine Art Show
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 S. Tamiami Trail
Free; parking $5
Visit ArtsandEducationInc.org.
Award-winning artists present their works, including paintings, clay, glass, sculpture, fiber, wood, jewelry and more, for sale in this juried show that benefits the Institute for the Arts and Education. Continues Sunday.
Spirit Fest
10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Robarts Arena, 3000 Ringling Blvd.
$12 all day; $18 weekend
Visit SpiritFestUSA.com/sarasota-apr2023.
Vendors, readers, authors and more gather at this metaphysical and holistic fair featuring 80 booths. For an extra $10, see a talk from 2 to 4 p.m. by History Channel personality Jim Vieira on the legendary healer Edgar Cayce. Show continues Sunday.
Roma Downey Book Signing
11 a.m. to Noon at Bookstore 1, 1172 S. Pineapple Ave.
Visit SarasotaBooks.com.
The “Touched by an Angel” star, film producer and author will sign her latest book, “Be An Angel” and host a conversation.
‘Chicken & Biscuits’
2 and 8 p.m. at FSU Center for the Performing Arts, 5555 N. Tamiami Trail
From $33
Visit AsoloRep.org.
This hilarious play, presented by the Asolo Repertory Theatre, follows the Jenkins family as they celebrate their recently deceased father and grandfather and learn a family secret. Runs through April 13.
Savor the Sounds
4:30-7 p.m. at the Town Center Green, 600 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key
$25 in advance; $35 at the door
Call 383-2466.
Gates open at 4:30 p.m. Shantel Norman and the Shantel Normal Band play at 5:30 p.m. Advanced tickets can be bought at the Chamber of Commerce office.
‘Make It a Broadway Night’
7 p.m. at the SCF Neel Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St. W, Bradenton
Visit ManateeConcertBand.org.
The Manatee Community Concert Band plays favorite Broadway show tunes. Members of the band range from hobbyists to those who have been professional musicians for 40 years.
'Little Richard: I Am Everything'
8 p.m. at the Municipal Auditorium, 801 Tamiami Trail N.
Visit SarasotaFilmFestival.com.
Director Lisa Cortés uses archival footage and interviews to rip away the whitewashed image of musical superstar Richard Penniman. "I Am Everything" unspools as part of the 25th Sarasota Film Festival, which runs through April 2.
‘Both Sides of Joni’
8 p.m. at Fogartyville, 525 Kumquat Court
$22; $20 members
Visit WSLR.org/fogartyville.
Vocalist Alexis Cole and arranger/pianist Monika Herzig reimagine Joni Mitchell songs from their recent release “Both Sides of Joni.”
FST Improv Presents: Tournament of Fools
8:30 p.m. at Florida Studio Theatre’s Bowne’s Lab Theatre, 1265 First St.
Visit FloridaStudioTheatre.org.
In this one-day comedy battle royale, 12 FST Improv ensemble members compete for the title “Champion of the Fools.” After each round, the audience votes on who stays and who goes. In the end there will be one comedian left standing.
Appalachian Road Show
7 p.m. atFogartyville, 525 Kumquat Court
$27; members $22
Visit WSLR.org/fogartyville.
Grammy-nominated banjoist Barry Abernathy joins forces with Grammy-winning fiddler Jim VanCleve, fresh off his recent stint touring with multi-platinum country artist Josh Turner, as well as esteemed vocalist and mandolinist Darrell Webb, who has recorded and toured with Dolly Parton and Rhonda Vincent, among many others.
DeSota Baroque Concert
7:30 p.m. at Church of the Redeemer, 222 S Palm Ave.
Tickets $25
Visit RedeemerSarasota.org.
The Sarasota-based group plays baroque music on period instruments.
Frank Torchio: Comedic and Singing Impressions from the Golden Era
7 p.m. at Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 North Palm Ave.
Visit FloridaStudioTheatre.org.
Frank Torchio reprises the nightclub acts of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jimmy Durante and more. This the last performance of Torchio’s show.
‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’
8 p.m. at The Ringling Museum of Art’s Bayfront Gardens
Runs through April 23
Visit AsoloRep.org/conservatory.
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training presents this early William Shakespeare comedy, which follows four young men, one of them a king, who swear off women. Good luck with that!
‘Incident at Our Lady of Perpetual Help’
7 p.m. at FSU Center for the Performing Arts, 5555 N. Tamiami Trail
$33 and up
Visit AsoloRep.org.
Travel back to 1973 with the Asolo Repertory Theatre to see how the O’Shea family does damage control when their prized respectability is threatened. Runs through April 22.
Gaelic Storm and The High Kings - The Mighty Tour 2023
7:30 p.m. at Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, 77 North Tamiami Trail
Visit VanWezel.org.
Formed in June 2007 as a ballad group specializing in traditional Irish music, The High Kings will be joined by chart-topping Celtic band Gaelic Storm.
‘Visit Joe Whitefeather (and bring the family!)’
8 p.m. at Florida Studio Theatre’s Gompertz Theatre, 1265 First St.
Tickets $25-$39
Visit FloridaStudioTheatre.org.
Faced with a decline in tourism during the 1970s, a small Pennsylvania town decides to rename itself in honor of a dead Native American war hero who never even visited Beaver Gap while he was alive. Runs through May 21.
7:30 p.m. at Florida Studio Theatre’s Bowne’s Lab Theatre, 1265 First St.
Visit FloridaStudioTheatre.org.
In this world premiere, the lives of two strangers with little in common besides their names — Leigh and Lee —come together after the discovery of a mysterious suicide note. Runs through April 21.