- February 17, 2025
The city of Sarasota has scheduled two town hall-style meetings for residents to learn about how attainable housing can be included in future downtown developments. The town halls will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m Thursday, Jan. 19 and Wednesday, March 1 in the City Commission chambers of City Hall at 1565 First St.
Citizens will have the opportunity to provide input to implement a comprehensive plan amendment approved by City Commission in October 2022, which is intended to stimulate developer interest to address a shortage of attainable housing.
During the Jan. 19 meeting, staff will provide an overview of the comprehensive plan change and how it may create opportunities to boost the attainable housing inventory in four downtown zone districts. Those districts include Downtown Bayfront, Downtown Core, Downtown Edge and Downtown Neighborhood Edge.
To implement the amendment, a zoning text amendment must be drafted to detail incentives for attainable housing. An overview of the proposal will then be presented during the March 1 town hall, providing another opportunity for citizen feedback.
Both events will be streamed live and available on demand through the city of Sarasota website. Information about the city’s attainable initiatives and strategies is accessible via the Planning Department website.