Sarasota Athlete of the Week: Daniel Munn

The Sarasota High boys basketball player scored 16 points in a home win over ODA on Tuesday.

Sarasota High boys basketball junior Daniel Munn.
Sarasota High boys basketball junior Daniel Munn.
Photo by Ryan Kohn
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Daniel Munn is a junior center/forward on the Sarasota High boys basketball team. Munn, who is 6-foot-5, scored 16 points in the Sailors' 58-32 home victory over The Out-of-Door Academy on Tuesday. 

When did you start playing basketball?

I began the summer of my sixth-grade year. I started with AAU ball and then played for Sarasota Middle and Sarasota High. I have always been tall, and some of my friends played basketball, so I gave it a shot. 

What is the appeal to you?

It gets me away from all the stress of school and personal- life stuff. It's something to do. I also just like the sport in general. It's fun. 

What is your best skill?

I have a high basketball IQ. I feel like I have a good ability to rebound and read plays. 

What have you been working to improve?

My conditioning and my strength. Shooting a little bit as well, but mostly conditioning and strength. I was a little out-of-game shape during our early preseason practices so the conditioning work has been helping. 

What is your favorite memory?

In eighth grade, my Sarasota Middle basketball team won the league championship. That was great. 

What are your goals for this season?

We want to have a winning season because last season was not so good. We want to beat Riverview High, our rival, and then hopefully win our district. 

What is your favorite food?

I love some good barbecue, ribs and that sort of thing. 

What is your favorite TV show?

I just started watching 'Breaking Bad' and I'm liking that a lot. But I also love 'The Office.' 

What is your favorite subject?

I'm taking ACE Chemistry right now. It's my hardest class, but I enjoy it. 

Which superpower would you pick?

I'd want to be able to fly. I could go anywhere, and it just seems cool. 

What is the best advice you have received?

Try new things. That sounds basic, but for me I have been a socially awkward kid at points of my life. I had to learn to do things and try things and now I do it all the time. It has expanded my view of life. 

Finish this sentence: "Daniel Munn is …"

Understanding. I try to put myself in other people's shoes and see where they're coming from.



Ryan Kohn

Ryan Kohn is the sports editor for Sarasota and East County and a Missouri School of Journalism graduate. He was born and raised in Olney, Maryland. His biggest inspirations are Wright Thompson and Alex Ovechkin. His strongest belief is that mint chip ice cream is unbeatable.

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