- February 19, 2025
Tanya Barkley-Graham, Paul Beard and Gilda Naranjo
Kristin and Christiaan Fourie helped set up shop at the WrightWay table.
A charcuterie board was the star of the show at WrightWay Emergency Services' table.
Karen Talty and Marion Schmoellinger
The Krohn family set up their VIP tables with settings for everyone.
Irina LaRose fastens a band on an attendee at the entrance.
Amy Morgan and Suzy Brenner sold drinks during the show.
Sheila White and Jerry Toner
Laney Pitt, Dale and Carol Hudson and David Pitt
Miriam and Mike Russell balanced picnic plates on their laps.
Reue Shannon, Penny Briggs and Shaun Shannon
Susan Phillips set her table with plenty of sandwiches.
More than 100 people attended the concert.
Dana Lawrence
Kettle of Fish got the crowd dancing during the show.
Conrad Panza, Eileen Panza and Neil Avison
Margie DeSoto and Peggy Kessler
At the Michael Saunders and Company tent, multiple charcuterie boards were ripe for the picking.
Jana Snaselova, Christine Green and Stewart Green
The Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce's Savor the Sounds concert got attendees into a fine Kettle of Fish on Feb. 19 as the rock and blues band lit up the night. The second iteration of the Town Center Green concert series had a strong showing, thanks in part to the draw of its performers.
More than 100 people attended the concert, which was more than in January. Though the evening got chilly as the sun dipped down, the weather was much better than the previous month, which kept some potential concertgoers away. This time, the VIP tables were full with charcuterie boards, vases of flowers and trays of sandwiches, while those in general seating enjoyed their picnics. Several groups balanced plates of food on their knees while sitting in lawn chairs.
Kettle of Fish opened to an excited crowd. The Southwest Florida-based band has toured the country playing what they call "festiblues," a mash-up of blues, soul and funk that's meant to get big crowds moving. As the concert wound on, dance parties popped up on the edges of the crowd.