Athlete of the Week: Olivia Davis

The Cardinal Mooney girls basketball senior, who lives in Lakewood Ranch, leads the Cougars with 19.3 points per game.

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Olivia Davis is a senior on the Cardinal Mooney High girls basketball team. Davis, who lives in Lakewood Ranch, leads the 4-0 Cougars with 19.3 points per game and 3.8 assists per game as of Dec. 5. She is signed to play for the University of Tampa next season. 

When did you start playing basketball?

I started playing so young that my parents (Jodi Davis and Nate Davis) don't even remember. It was probably around 4. My parents played basketball so it was just one of those things that happened. I started on boys teams and eventually switched to girls teams and now I'm here. 

What is the appeal to you?

Ever since I tore my ACL as a freshman I have seen the game from a different perspective. Being unable to play for 11 months made me miss it and love it even more. The gym is somewhere I go to have a safe place. I don't have to worry about anything but basketball there. 

What is your best skill?

I think it's my leadership. It's not a physical skill but as the only senior on the team I feel like I have to lead the younger girls. It's a big priority for me. I'm trying to get everyone involved in each game, putting them before myself. 

What have you been working to improve?

I am always trying to increase my basketball IQ, especially now that I have signed to play at the next level. I still am working on the defensive side also, things like foot speed and lateral quickness. 

Why did you sign with the University of Tampa?

I could tell right away it was a special place. It was right for me. On my official visit I bonded with the girls on the team and Coach (Tom) Jessee, I feel like he prioritizes me even outside of basketball. He knows what I can do and embraces me as a point guard. 

What is your favorite memory?

Last year we played Carrollwood Day at home in the regional finals. It was a packed house. We won that game by 19 (62-43) and it was like, 'Oh shoot, we have a chance at a state title this year.' It didn't work out, but we're getting closer each year. 

What is your favorite food?

Steak, medium rare. 

What is your favorite movie?

'Hoosiers.' I was born in Indiana and it's a basketball movie. It's a classic to me. 

What is your favorite school subject?

This year I like Honors Calculus. I'm always a math person. I enjoy solving problems. 

Which superpower would you pick?

I want to read people's minds. Especially that guy over there (Coach Marlon Williams). 

Finish this sentence: "Olivia Davis is …"

A competitor. 



Ryan Kohn

Ryan Kohn is the sports editor for Sarasota and East County and a Missouri School of Journalism graduate. He was born and raised in Olney, Maryland. His biggest inspirations are Wright Thompson and Alex Ovechkin. His strongest belief is that mint chip ice cream is unbeatable.

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