- January 17, 2025
10:30 a.m., 1100 block of Bogey Lane
Suspicious incident: A resident called police to report an incident on the water. The man said he was heading back to his home aboard his boat when someone in another vessel taunted him for coming too close to crab traps. The resident replied he wasn’t near the traps, but the man taunted him a second time, on this occasion driving his boat in circles around the resident’s vessel. A report was forwarded to the town’s marine patrol officer, along with a registration number of the offending vessel.
9:26 a.m., 2300 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: Police looked for, but could not find, a vehicle that had been reported to be parked on a golf course. All the officer reported seeing were golf course maintenance vehicles and golf carts.
10:26 a.m., 800 block of Penfield Street
Citizen assist: Police alerted the town’s Public Works Department about a leaking water pipe following a report from a resident. Town staffers said they would respond that day.
11 a.m. near Jewfish Key
Boating warning: A boater seen operating fast enough to make a wake in a slow-speed, minimum-wake zone was issued a verbal warning following a stop and an inspection of the boat. The vessel was found to be missing a required fire extinguisher.
3:03 p.m., 100 block of Sands Point Road
Trespassing: A resident called police following an argument with a man flying a drone on private property. When the resident asked what the drone aviator was doing, the man cursed, yelled and said he worked for a real estate company. A description of the car the man was driving was provided, though no such vehicle was found. The resident was asked to call police again if the man returned but not to engage with him.
3:34 p.m., 6900 block of Bayside Drive
Citizen assist: Police asked the drivers of a pair of construction vehicles to move them, allowing access to an alley that residents use to access their driveways. The workers obliged.
6:24 p.m., 3200 block of Bayou Sound
Citizen assist: A police officer reported to the Public Works Department a hole in the road, measuring about 24 inches across. The officer placed traffic cones around the hole.
7:38 p.m., 500 block of Juan Anasco Drive
Unsecure premises: A resident came to the police department concerned about his neighbor’s garage door, which had been open all day. An officer found all other doors secure and noted the home was equipped with a camera surveillance system.
3:15 p.m., Longboat Pass bridge
Suspicious incident: The town’s marine patrol officer encountered a fish stringer tied by a rope to the center span of the bridge. Connected to the stringer were two out-of-season snook, which were starting to decompose. The fish remains were taken offshore and released.
8:47 a.m., 700 block of Broadway Street
Alarm: Police responded to a restaurant on a report of an activated alarm. When they arrived, the business’ chef apologized for accidentally setting off the device before entering the proper code to deactivate it.
10:07 a.m., 4800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Alarm: Police responded to a residence on a report of an activated alarm. A neighbor told police renovations were underway and workers are present there often. A worker inside said he had hit the security alarm accidentally while sandpapering.