- September 19, 2024
Most everyone paying attention to current events has heard of it by now — Critical Race Theory.
Over the past four years, and certainly now, it has become one of the most socially and culturally destructive, anti-American trends spreading throughout the classrooms of American high schools and colleges and government agencies.
The proponents of Critical Race Theory hold that U.S. laws and institutions are inherently racist and explicitly function to create and maintain social, economic and political inequalities between whites and non-whites, especially blacks.
It’s being used to brainwash the next two generations of young Americans.
Indeed, if you want to see how this aggressive cancer is spreading, tap into criticalrace.org, a project of the Rhode Island charitable non-profit, Legal Insurrection Foundation. Criticalrace.org is a website that has documented how Critical Race Theory is being promulgated in more than 200 U.S. universities and colleges.
Florida’s state universities are in the vortex of the movement. And to illustrate what is occurring at them, we are printing excerpts from criticalrace.org. which quotes material from the universities, as well as printing excerpts from materials posted on the universities’ websites. Each source is noted.
We encourage anyone who has children or grandchildren attending these schools or thinking of attending one of them to explore the website. You should want to make yourself aware of these taxpayer-funded efforts that promote the false, destrucive, divisive narrative that the United States is systemically racist. — Editor
Criticalrace.org: “USF has taken steps to finance research into Critical Race Theory and anti-racism. The provost created a $500,000 research fund to research “systemic racism” and find potential solutions.
USF has also financed the creation of the DARE Dashboard, which collects data on students, faculty and staff. This data will be used to make policies designed to “institutionalize” antiracism.”
From a USF website: “Our goal really as an institution is to institutionalize anti-racism, to really embed that in everything that we do,” explained Dr. Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, senior adviser to the president and provost for diversity and inclusion.
“It allows us to ask new questions that we haven’t asked before; it allows us to take seriously the fact systemic racism is multi-dimensional, so the data that we collect has to go beyond just the composition of our student body, the composition of our faculty,” she said.
From the Anti-Racism Office of the President: “Our specific focus on anti-racism on these performance dashboards is intentional because it reflects our understanding that systemic racism is real, and the recognition that our success as a university hinges on our ability to eliminate racial inequities.
“Anti-racism describes the active process of re-evaluating organizational structures, policies, practices and beliefs in order to eliminate systemic racism and ensure racial equity.”
From Criticalrace.org: “The University of Central Florida has taken multiple steps to commit to ‘equity, diversity and inclusive excellence.’”
“Initiatives include making ‘the position of chief equity, inclusion and diversity officer a vice president and, as such, a member of the president’s cabinet,’ creating a ‘President’s Executive Committee on equity, inclusion and diversity,’ making a ‘requirement that all units and colleges demonstrate their own commitment to inclusive excellence, through dedicated resources and training’ and increasing ‘institutional resources and full-time staff who are dedicated to helping deliver on these promises.’
“‘Through the use of three policies — the University’s discriminatory harassment policy, its computer use policy and its Just Knights Response Team (JKRT), the school’s version of a bias response team — the University of Central Florida and its administrators have created a series of rules and regulations that restrain, deter, suppress and punish speech about the political and social issues of the day.’”
From a UCF website: UCF also has an Office of Social Justice and Advocacy, whose role, among other activities, “encompass the Multicultural Student Center (MSC) and LGBTQ+ Services to cover all areas of under-represented communities and exclusivity.”
From the university website: “[Office of Diversity & Inclusion] hosts diversity and inclusion training workshops throughout the year … Students, faculty and staff can engage in individual sessions or complete multiple workshops to earn certificates in various topics, such as “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow.” Workshops offered over the years have included the “ABCs of Diversity”; “Micro-Messages and Microaggressions: Impacts on Inclusion”; “Race the Power of an Illusion” and “Understanding Power and Privilege.”
Criticalrace.org: FSU has not yet taken steps to embed Critical Race Theory into its curriculum.
It hosted a “Collaborative Collision: Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion” event, where more than 36 scholars shared their work and how it related to diversity and inclusion.
FSU also held its spring Social Change Symposium. The symposium was described as follows: “Over the course of three weekends, students from FSU and several regional visiting campuses will be invited to virtually attend workshops and small group sessions on topics such as anti-racism, interfaith inclusion, anti-sexism, transgender inclusion, anti-heterosexism, anti-classism, anti-ableism and anti-xenophobia.”
Florida State University News: “The hope with [the Collaborative Collision] event was that it will lead to a greater understanding of the need to pursue and support compelling research that can provide informed direction to practices and policies that are rooted in social justice,” Vice President for Research Gary K. Ostrander said.
“Faculty who ultimately form collaborations related to diversity and inclusion as a result of the event are eligible for seed funding from the Office of Research Development to help kickstart their work. ORD’s Collaborative Collision seed fund provides up to $25,000 for researchers and helps teams position themselves to apply for external funding for new research initiatives.”