- January 17, 2025
11:48 p.m., 500 block of Outrigger Lane
Suspicious person: A caller who did not wish to meet with an officer reported a suspicious looking figure wearing dark clothes walking down the street. A canvass of the street and the adjoining area did not produce anyone answering that description.
11:53 p.m., 2600 block of Harbourside Drive
Intoxicated person: Police were called to investigate what appeared to be a case of an intoxicated woman speaking loudly into a cell phone in a restaurant parking lot, but the case turned out to be a bit more. While speaking with the woman from out of state, who was trying to find her way home, another woman from a different state walked up and said the two had been sharing a ride-service car. Until the first woman kicked her out. The woman on foot had no idea where her former car-sharing partner had been until she saw officers speaking to her. Both women, it turns out, were guests aboard a relative's vessel in the nearby harbor. The friend, who had not been drinking, said she would care for the intoxicated woman.
4:45 p.m., 700 block of Lands End Drive
Noise from the water: Police responded to a complaint about a boat north of the island creating a nuisance with loud music. By the time the police arrived, the vessel had departed. The officer relayed his findings to the caller, who confirmed what the police officer had seen and heard.
12:24 p.m., 4500 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: A driver who called police after she locked her keys in her car told the responding officer she had since made contact with a friend who could bring her home to retrieve her spare set of keys. No action was required of the officer.
3:10 p.m., 1000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Suspicious incident: A children's Christmas party was mistaken by a caller for a commercial venture in which public beach access was closed and participants charged admission. An officer found the two people in charge did indeed run a business, but the party was strictly a private children's event with no alcohol or admission. The two organizers asked if the officer wanted to confirm the story with the children. No violations were found.
10:01 a.m., 3800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen dispute: A representative of a residential complex reported to police a truck driver making a delivery yelled profane words at her when she asked the driver to park elsewhere. The representative requested a police report be made of the incident. It was.
4:09 p.m., 5900 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Traffic hazard: Traffic was shutdown for about an hour as police and other first responders dealt with a gas main broken during construction. There were no injuries.
4:49 p.m., 500 block of Bay Isles Parkway
Trespassing: A couple who said they were trying to perform music in a shopping center for donations to further travel south to Naples to see family were told to leave the private premises. A complaint had been registered with police regarding panhandling. The couple returned to their car and left.
5:52 p.m., 6000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: A caller to police reported what seemed to be an improperly parked vehicle. It was actually a construction vehicle associated with the town's underground utilities construction project.
9:22 p.m., 4400 block of Exeter Drive
Citizen assist: What was reported as a potential burglary in progress was actually a case of a property owner inside painting the walls. No crime was found. The caller was updated on what the officer found.