- February 13, 2025
10:11 a.m., Bay Isles Parkway and Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: Police pulled up to vehicle reported to be disabled in the left turn lane. The driver said the rental vehicle had broken down, a condition he traced to a loose battery connection under the hood. Another motorist, who had tools, was assisting. Within three minutes of the officer’s arrival, the repairs had been completed and the vehicle was removed from the turn lane.
2:03 p.m., 3600 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: A caller to police who didn’t wish to meet with an officer reported a vehicle parked in a private beach picnic area adjacent to a condominium community. The officer sent to investigate contacted the vehicle’s owner, who replied that she is a resident of the community and that management allows her to park her car there. No violation of town parking rules was observed.
6:10 p.m., 5400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Traffic hazard: While on patrol, a pair of officers spotted a vehicle partially on the road with its emergency flashers on. The officers spoke to the people in the car, who were on the telephone requesting roadside assistance. The officers pushed the disabled car off the pavement until help could arrive.
11:21 a.m., 2200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Suspicious incident: Police responded to a complaint about a person possibly staying without permission in a condominium unit. A building representative said a maintenance team performing routine work reported encountering a man named Mark in a unit that should have been empty. Police and the manager got no answer to a knock on the door and entered. The manager found no sign of unauthorized use and theorized maintenance might have mixed up a nearby unit and a resident with a similar name to the unit in question. The manager surmised there had been no case of unauthorized occupancy. The officer made sure the manager knew to call police about any future question.
1:15 a.m., 500 block of Spanish Drive South
Citizen assist: A resident called police when a ride-sharing driver knocked on their door attempting to deliver a passenger, though no one was expected at that address. Police came and spoke to the driver, who said the ride-sharing client had arrived at the airport that night and gave this address, but fell quickly fell asleep but not before saying she had a few drinks on the plane and was also experiencing jet lag. Turns out, the client transposed two numbers in the address. The right home was found after police managed to wake up the passenger, who then used her keys to go inside, completing her voyage.
3:35 p.m., 400 block of North Shore Road
Citizen assist: An officer confirmed a resident's car was properly registered after sending a renewal form and payment via the mail. The sticker tag, though, had not arrived and was possibly lost. The officer told the resident to check with the Manatee County tax office.
5:48 p.m., 600 block of Cedar Street
Noise complaint: Police investigated a report of loud music coming from a boat named Chief anchored in Sarasota Bay about a quarter mile from land. While a road patrol officer could not hear the music from his access point at Linley Street, the town's marine patrol officer was able to make contact and explained the nature of the complaint. The boat's occupants were asked to keep the noise down for the rest of the night.
10:32 a.m., 700 block of Longview Drive
Citizen assist: A police officer confirmed a caller's complaint about a water leak. A Public Works Department employee was called to assess the problem.
5:39 p.m., 600 block of Marbury Lane
Rescue assist: What was initially reported as a family disturbance was reclassified when an officer learned that a member of the family had fallen into the water while retrieving fishing gear and cut his leg on barnacles. Another family member was concerned the other person was drowning. When officers arrived, the family member who had fallen into the water was in the bathroom cleaning up. Fire-rescue services arrived, though no one required transportation to the hospital.
1:04 p.m., 2800 Gulf of Mexico Drive
Dog call: A caller who did not wish to leave a name alerted officers to a person with a dog on the beach. Officers issued the dog owner a verbal warning and explained where there might be alternate places to visit with her dog.
8:15 a.m., 4100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Suspicious person: A caller to police inquired about a boat fishing off shore his residence. The officer returned the call to say the water and beach area is public and that fishing is legal.