Longboat Key Cops Corner: Loud guy in a truck

Police reports from around Longboat Key.

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  • | 10:50 a.m. March 18, 2020
  • Longboat Key
  • Cops Corner
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March 7

Hey, pipe down

1:59 a.m., 6900 block of Poinsetta Avenue

Suspicious circumstance: A caller to police reported the sound of a male voice yelling from a truck in the area. An officer checked the entire neighborhood and did not find a truck like the one reported.

Keep it to yourself

2:58 a.m., 300 block of North Shore Road

Noise: Loud music was reported coming from a residence. Occupants of the home immediately turned down the music when told about the complaint by an officer.

Catching their breath

5:34 a.m., 300 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Rescue: A police officer responded along with fire-rescue personnel on a call regarding someone with breathing problems at the guardhouse to a gated community. The patient was not taken to the hospital.

Helping out

7:41 a.m., 600 block of Yardarm Lane

Assist other agency: A town police officer responded to a local residence along with a Sarasota police officer who was conducting a crash investigation in connection with an incident within that city’s boundaries. The Sarasota officer cited the resident.

It’s all wet

11:17 a.m., 2100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Public service: A police officer was called to the scene of a water leak and discovered water coming up from the ground on both sides of the sidewalk. An on-call employee from the Public Works Department was notified.

The fix was not in

5:16 p.m., 500 block of Bay Isles Parkway

Suspicious vehicle: A store manager called police to report two men driving around a shopping center parking lot asking people if they needed service on their cars. An officer arrived within four minutes of the call, but the beige vehicle with California plates had already left.

We live here

5:36 p.m., 3300 block of Bayou Lane

Suspicious circumstance: A van occupied by five or six men and women arrived at a resident’s home and said they had rented the property for a week. The resident told them the property was a personal home and was not for rent. An officer sent to check out the report learned from the community’s security guard that the driver and van occupants were in their 60s or 70s and he allowed them to enter the community when they told him they were heading to their rental property.

Following close

11:53 p.m., 4100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Assist other agency: Police were alerted to a caller following a reported reckless driver south on Gulf of Mexico Drive from the middle of the island. The caller eventually reported the reckless vehicle had left the town limits, and Sarasota Police were notified. The Longboat officer assisted Sarasota police in the traffic stop about ¾ mile south of town, but there was no evidence of reckless driving.

March 8

Too late

12:28 a.m.,  700 block of Broadway Street

Parking: An officer on patrol through Longbeach Village found a car parked curbside past the posted allowable hours. The vehicle was ticketed.

Sorry about that

7:33 a.m., 400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Alarm: A commercial alarm was set off accidentally by employees opening for the day. Everything at the business checked out OK.

Always against the rules

11:08 a.m., 7000 block of Lois Avenue

Parking: An officer on patrol through Longbeach Village ticketed a vehicle parked too close to a fire hydrant.

Parking woes

1 p.m., 7000 block of Lois Avenue

Parking: A truck illegally parked on the east side of Lois Avenue was cited.

Backing up

1:37 p.m., 500 block of Bay Isles Parkway

Traffic: A collision between two cars in a shopping center parking lot resulted in minor damage, no injuries and an agreement between the drivers to handle arrangements between themselves. Police reported the first vehicle backed into the second. The driver of the first vehicle said she did not see the second vehicle.

New York state of mind

4:09 p.m., 6800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Abandoned 911 call: A incomplete call to 911 attracted the attention of police, but ultimate the incident turned out to be a case of a misdialed number. Police learned the caller intended to dial a New York area code but dialed 911 instead. New York has two area codes that begin with a 9 and a 1: Westchester County and portions of New York city.

Not OK

5:55 p.m., 700 block of Russell Street

Parking: A vehicle parked too close to a fire hydrant was cited.

My bad

9:56 p.m., 6200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Alarm: A homeowner told police he had inadvertently set off his residential alarm and all was in order.

March 9

No fire

7:24 a.m., 700 block of Emerald Harbor Drive

Fire alarm: Police and fire units arrived at a home following an activated fire alarm. No immediate signs of smoke or fire were noted. Fire-rescue personnel checked the home’s interior and determined the alarm was faulty.

Not just a Village thing

10:24 a.m., 600 block of Halyard Lane

Parking: A complaint of a construction vehicle blocking a private driveway brought police out to investigate. The vehicle belonging to a nursery company was ticketed.

Knock, knock, ruff, ruff

5:35 p.m., 600 Marbury Lane

Animal call: Police received complaints about dogs parking in a residence and went out to investigate. An officer reported hearing no dog noise until knocking on the door. No one was home. The officers spoke to the people who called, but no further action was taken.

Nothing to see here

7:59 p.m., 4300 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Fire stand by: Police and fire-rescue personnel were directed to a neighborhood in response to a caller’s report of arcing power lines. No such problem was seen by first responders, and fire-rescue personnel theorized a small animal might have caused a momentary problem.

March 10

It’s gone

8:51 a.m., 600 block of Broadway Street

Lost property: A couple flagged down a passing officer to ask what to do regarding a lost wallet. The man said he had it with him when returning to his car from a nearby restaurant the previous night, but now it was gone. He told the officer he had looked throughout the car and the condo in which he was staying. A search of the area turned up nothing.

I can see clearly

8:58 a.m., Gunwale Lane and Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic: An officer checked out a report of construction vehicles parked improperly and obstructing the view of drivers at the intersection. The officer found the vehicles to be parked properly and without posing a hinderance to other drivers.


2:31 p.m., 6700 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic: While on patrol, an officer stopped a golf cart driving north on Gulf of Mexico Drive. The officer made the resident aware of regulations regarding golf cart use on state highways. With no criminal wants or arrest warrants pending, the driver of the golf cart was issued a verbal warning.

March 11

Our neighbors to the north

11:08 a.m., police headquarters

Lost property: A traveler came to the police station to make a report of a lost Canadian passport. The traveler said the last time she saw it was at the Detroit airport on March 7 and that she wanted to make a report in case she had difficulty on the way home. An officer provided her with a case number and information on reaching officials in Detroit.

No way to park

3:20 p.m., 6000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Parking: An officer spoke to the operators of a business about a rental-boat customer’s vehicle parked on a sidewalk. The business operators said the customer would likely return soon. The officer checked the vehicle for a connection to wants or arrest warrants and left a written warning.

Making waves

4:10 p.m., off the key

Boat violation: The police marine patrol officer stopped a boat after watching it proceed through a slow-speed, no-wake zone while planing and creating a wake. Additionally, the boat was missing a registration sticker, though the operator produced proper registration paperwork. A verbal warning was issued.


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