- February 18, 2025
Fr. Gerry
The family, including his sisters, Mary, Aine, Catherine, Brigid and Josephine, of the late Father Gerry Finegan thank you all for your expressions of sympathy and the kindness shown to us over the recent months on his passing.
Thank you to his many doctors and nurses who were so good to him during his illness. All his devoted parishioners, of whom there are too many to mention individually, who showed him so much love by caring for him over the last few months, it was greatly appreciated.
To his wonderful friends, from the people he played cards with, to all the families who took him in as one of their own, and especially Jerry and Pat, for their continuous help and support, a heartfelt thank you.
To Father Edward Pick and Father Phillip Schweda, for receiving his remains at St. Mary, Star of the Sea. A special word of thanks to Bishop Frank Dewane for his beautiful Mass, Bishop Robert Lynch for concelebrating it and his many priest friends for being there. Thank you to Father Eric Scanlan for his homily and Monsignor Aiden Foynes for his eulogy. They really highlighted the Gerard we knew and we really appreciated it.
To the Knights of Columbus for their presence at both his funeral and removal and to the Ladies’ Guild and the Men’s Club from St. Mary’s for their continued support. To Incarnation Church for hosting his reception and the Diocese of Venice for broadcasting his funeral. This allowed his sisters and extended family at home in Ireland to really feel part of his funeral.
To those who travelled to pay their respects, sent Mass sympathy cards, phone calls and messages of condolences, we are truly grateful.
Last, but not least, the funeral directors, Robert Toale and Sons, who handled Gerard’s funeral with such wonderful professionalism and dignity, a big thank you.
As it would be impossible to thank you all individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our heartfelt appreciation. We do hope we have left nobody out and the holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions in Ireland.
Rest in peace Gerard, you were a true and loyal Servant, Priest, Brother, Uncle, Cousin and Friend. We love you and we will all miss you.
The Family of Father Gerry Finegan