- February 18, 2025
Richard Biller engineered an awesome golf cart float.
Firefighter Andrew Stark represented East Manatee Fire Rescue District.
Even Mr. and Mrs. Claus (Mark Prucnell and Cathy Plymack) participated. They're arrival signaled the end of the parade to spectators.
Friends John Downs and Dick Heidrick sported their best ugly Christmas sweaters. "John made me bring it out," Heidrick says.
Paul Eisenberg and ARm Hedgecock help lead out the parade on their motorcycles.
Bradenton's Susan O'Donnell watched the parade with friend, Jan Digirolamo, who has lived in Esplanade for one year.
Susan and Steve Meizinger had fun with their candy cane themed float.
Dozens of golf carts participated. Themes ranged from candy canes to Star Wars.
Friends described Gloria Wemple as the "fearless leader" of the Ugly Sweater Bridgade.
It wasn't their idea, but Bruce Perreault and Bob Gruber had fun with their role in the parade as "two guys holding a sign."
The Hernando Deso Historical Society presented its queen, Langston Sellars, and crew members, including Mark Hildebrandt.
Merry Martini parade walker Shirley Hapner passes out prepared cranberry martinis to spectators who want them.
Lakewood Ranch High School's Brandon Cox joins the Mustangs' marching band to provide a real parade feel.
Esplanade's Kathie Gruber says she was impressed by how much work neighbors put into the parade.
As Esplanade Golf and Country Club's Kathie Gruber watched Santa and Mrs. Claus pull away on the last golf cart of Esplanade's community Christmas parade Dec. 3, she couldn't help but grin. It had been quite the show with motorcycles, a firetruck, dozens of decorated golf carts and even the Lakewood Ranch High School Marching Band.
One group of parade walkers even passed out cranberry martinis, which they carried on platters as they walked.
"It was amazing," Gruber said of the parade. "Some of the neighbors put so much work into this."
As part of the festivities, Esplanade residents made donations to Marine Toys for Tots, which provides new unwrapped toys to less fortunate children at Christmas. The efforts raised $1,000 and four truck loads of toys for the organization.