Too many cookbooks in the kitchen?

Recently, the Longboat Library has been inundated with cookbook donations.

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  • | 8:10 a.m. September 14, 2017
The library now has a collection of about 90 cookbooks.
The library now has a collection of about 90 cookbooks.
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The Longboat Library is cooking up a large collection of a certain genre.

Recently, the library’s Wonderful Wednesday Book Sales shelves have been filling up with some recipes for success.

What could this genre be, you ask?

Romance? Thrillers? Historical biographies?

Three strikes, you’re out.

It’s cookbooks.

For some reason, it appears that Longboat residents are done with their cookbook days. Recently, the library has become inundated with cookbooks. About 90 to be specific.

From “Feed Your Face” by Jessica Wu to “The Kinda Diet” by Alicia Silverstone, the library has a cookbook for almost every taste.

Want sushi? Buy the “Quick & Easy Sushi Cookbook” by Heihachiro Tohyama and Yukiko Moriyama

Want to class up some homestyle cooking? Buy “Grits and Chardonnay” by Sharon Sanford.

Library volunteer Amy Roth can’t explain the sudden influx of cookbooks. Her best guesses are people are giving up cooking in favor of dining out or using the internet, like she does, to find new recipes.

The library constantly accepts donations for its Wonderful Wednesday Book Sales. Occasionally, donated books do make it on the library shelves to be checked out, but for the most part the books go on sale. Library volunteers ask that any books donated should have been published in the past five years.

You don’t need to be a member of the library to purchase books at the Wonderful Wednesday Sales, so go on, grab a cookbook and try a new recipe.

The Wonderful Wednesday Books Sales run from 9 a.m. to noon. Book prices range from 50 cents to $3.




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