- February 18, 2025
Hotline Menacing
11:59 a.m. — 5300 block of GMD
Threatening Phone Call: A man reported that a former employee had been harassing him. The ex-staffer called and said he would kill them man in one instance, and in a following call said he would harm him. Sometimes the man answers his phone, and nobody says anything. He told police he intends to get a restraining order.
Persistent Perpetrator
3:38 p.m. — 5400 block of GMD
Identity Theft: A credit agency notified a man that an unknown person had try to open new credit cards at J.C. Penny, Sears, Macy’s and GreenSky Trade Credit. All of the cards were filled out online, but none of the stores issued any cards. There were no fraudulent charges on any of the man’s current cards.
Bust Out
4:04 p.m. — 2600 block of GMD
Public Service: Police responded to a report of an 18-month-old child locked in the backseat of a car. Emergency personnel were unable to pick the lock and broke the driver’s side window to rescue the infant.
Eager Beaver
5:30 p.m. — 6500 block of Gulfside Road
Disturbance: Officers responded to a noise complaint and found a contractor working in the area. The foreman said he lost track of time while working, and he and his crew packed up their tools and left.
Crack a Window
7:06 p.m. — 700 block of Old Compass Road
Alarm: Police arrived at a home following an alarm notification. After investigating the residence, officers found a window that was closed, but unlocked. There were no hand prints in the dust on the windowsill, and nothing seemed out of order. Police were able to secure the window.
Unidentified Floating Object
7:51 a.m. — 4400 block of GMD
Suspicious Circumstance: A man called police to report that a large white object had fallen from the sky and landed in the Gulf of Mexico. Officers interviewed witnesses in the area and determined the object was a Chinese paper lantern.
Mad Max
5:45 p.m. — 3700 block of GMD
Reckless Driving: A man drove his truck onto the beach and became stuck. When officers arrived, the man said he did not see any signs that he was not allowed to drive on the beach. After a private towing company refused to transport the vehicle, police called in a tow truck to pull the vehicle from the beach. The man was issued a citation in violation an ordinance that prohibits vehicles on beaches.
Late Night
2:17 a.m. — 300 block of Atlas Street
Parking Violation: An officer found a car parked at a beach access after hours. Police discovered the driver talking with friends on the beach. The woman said she didn’t see any signage indicating beach hours.
Smoke Signals
8:45 p.m. — 100 block of North Shore Road
Brush Fire: Police responded to the report of a bon fire near a beach access. An officer walked through mangroves to the north end and back but was unable to locate any fires on the beach.