Karl Rove, Jim Messina speak in Sarasota

The Ringling College Library Association Town Hall Lecture Series featured Karl Rove, Jim Messina and Sharyl Attkisson this morning.

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  • | 12:48 p.m. February 3, 2016
  • Sarasota
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Two political strategists with ties to establishment candidates in the presidential race spoke at Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall today, both downplaying the importance of the Iowa caucus on the primary elections.

Republican political strategist and author Karl Rove — the “architect” behind George W. Bush’s win in 2000 — and Pres. Barack Obama’s former Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina — a Hillary Clinton supporter — spoke at an informal roundtable this morning, thanks to the Ringling College Library Town Hall Lecture Series. Investigative reporter and Riverview High School alumnus Sheryl Attkisson would go on to moderate two formal discussions between the pair.

“Unfortunately God doesn’t like me enough to give us Donald Trump (as the Republican nominee),” Messina said during the roundtable. “And I think you’ll continue to see him sink in the polls.”

See above for a video of the roundtable.


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