Ranch children visit food bank

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  • | 4:00 a.m. April 18, 2012
  • East County
  • Neighbors
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Children of the MOMS Club of Lakewood Ranch saw their philanthropic efforts come full circle April 9, as they visited the Food Bank of Manatee County.

In honor of National Nutrition Month in March, the children organized a food drive for the Food Bank, distributing flyers throughout their neighborhoods asking for canned food donations. They then spent their weekends collecting bags left by neighbors. The children dropped off their collection to the Food Bank Monday, at which time they toured the facility and help unload donations.

MOMS Club Community Service Chairperson Carrie Schwarzbauer said the children collected 648 pounds of food — more than the children’s combined weight.

The organization also presented a $500 check to the Food Bank during the tour. The money will be used for high-need baby and toddler items, she said.

For information on the MOMS Club, visit www.lwrmomsgroup.com.


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