- September 16, 2024
LAKEWOOD RANCH — Lakewood Ranch Town Hall again will be open to residents five days a week beginning Oct. 1.
The facility, which has used a 10-hour workday since August 2008, now will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays, as well, with limited services available. Although residents will not be able to speak with property management or other Town Hall staff, they will be able to get services at the front desk such as receive transponders, pick-up and drop-off of forms, reserve salons and parks and have general questions answered.
Security provider U.S. Security & Associates also will start Oct. 1, supporting Town Hall staff on Fridays and providing services during after-hours events and on weekends when residents are using the facility but no staff is present.
“I think it’s a positive move,” IDA Supervisor Glenda Robertson said. “The IDA listened to the residents. The IDA is trying to accommodate homeowners who work.”
Board members announced the new schedule May 20 as a way to appease resident complaints while also alleviating their concern for the building’s security and Town Hall employee support for keeping the four, 10-hour day work schedule. At that time, supervisors tentatively reserved $52,000 in the 2011 fiscal year budget for both the hiring of a part-time staff member and security services.
As approved Sept. 16, the contract with U.S. Security is for up to 52 hours of services weekly, with the understanding there should be no overtime accrued. Nearly $32,000 has been set aside for security costs, although Town Hall staff believe the figure is much higher than will be needed.
At their meeting earlier this month, IDA officials also discussed creating a policy requiring groups to reserve salons or to cancel salon reservations within 72 hours of their scheduled event as a way to avoid potential overtime charges from U.S. Security. Such a policy has not yet been adopted and would require a public hearing to move forward.
Contact Pam Eubanks at [email protected].