- February 18, 2025
Professional Golf Tip of the Week: Impact Position
The impact position of your body for your driver and irons is different. Here are two drills to help you attack the ball at the correct angle:
1. Set up with a 7-iron, raise your right heel (for right handed gofers) off of the ground and make a small swing with it up all the way through the shot.
2. Set up with a driver and raise your left heel off of the ground and make some small swings.
This drill will allow you to get the proper sensation of where your body should be at impact to create the most power.
Rosedale Director of Instruction and PGA Professional Steve Whidden will be offering a new professional golf tip each week. Be sure to check YourObserver.com for next week's tip.
For more information or for lessons contact Steve Whidden at 756-0004.