- January 13, 2025
East County parents will have a chance to meet and question the three finalists for the principal position at Lakewood Ranch High School at a community forum at 6:30 p.m., tonight at Lakewood Ranch High School, 5500 Lakewood Ranch Blvd.
Two local assistant principals — Linda Nesselhauf of Manatee High and Don Sauer of Lakewood Ranch — and one out-of-state contender, Melanie Metz of Buffalo, N.Y., are vying for the position.
“It’s a good chance for people to meet the candidates and ask questions and find out more about them,” Manatee County School District spokesperson Mike Barber said of the forum.
After the forum, parents will be able to provide feedback to the school district about candidates, and Superintendent Tim McGonegal will use the information in making his final recommendation for the post. McGonegal is expected to conduct his own interview with candidates next week.