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Is it Time to Spring for a New A/C?

4 signs that say it is.

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  • | 12:00 a.m. April 22, 2021
  • East County
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In Florida, we are fortunate to not have the drastic changes in seasons as our friends up north. Our weather experience here basically goes from, “it’s not too hot today” to, “wow, am I on fire?” Thankfully, a whopping majority of our homes are equipped with airconditioners to ease the heat and make our springs and summers bearable, even more comfortable. But, what if your cooling system is aging, isn’t working right and may – gasp – actually need to be replaced? The horror!

Here are 4 telltale signs that it’s time to spring for a new A/C:

Sign 1: Is your A/C running? Better go catch it!

Continuously running means your HVAC is working much harder than it should and using more energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature – leading to higher electric bills. So, you’re paying more and not achieving the comfort you desire.

Sign 2: Weird noises

A quiet hum is what you will most likely hear from a healthy A/C unit. When some minor clatters and buzzes start up, they can often be fixed. But when louder sounds like screeching, groaning, rattling, knocking or scraping begin to blare, it’s probably time for air conditioner replacement. Not only are they annoying, but letting these noises carry on can lead to bigger, costlier repairs.

Sign 3: Go with the flow

Feel cool air from the vents, but notice it isn’t circulating around the house? This could mean any number of things, including issues with your compressor or blocked/ damaged vents restricting air flow. While it’s possible to have a professional manage these repairs, they can be quite expensive depending on your system’s age and the extent of the issue.

Sign 4: Too many service calls

Calling a professional for ongoing HVAC issues can become bothersome – and costly. If you keep having problems and your system is out of warranty, replacement is a better investment.

The Bottom Line

Once your A/C passes the 10- to 15-year lifespan, how do you know when it’s time to buy new? If you are experiencing some of the signs above and are still unsure, call a professional. Remember, while it seems like a significant cost to replace your unit, newer models will require no repair charges, include warranties, and offer better energy efficiency as they keep you comfortable at home, saving you money in the long run. 

These helpful tips provided by the pros at:


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