- November 1, 2024
Sept. 26
Punchy numbers
10:07 a.m. — 3500 block of Fair Oaks Lane
Residential Burglar Alarm: Key holder reportedly punched in wrong numbers, then correct numbers.
Expired code
11:19 a.m. — 800 block of Jungle Queen Way
Residential Burglar Alarm: A construction crew with a key to a residence was caught by surprise when master alarm code expired. No issues were observed by police.
3:38 p.m. – 100 block of North Shore Road
Property found: An officer found a set of keys sitting on a post near the beach. The officer will try to locate the owner through a Ford dealership.
Car key dilemma
7:14 p.m. — 2200 block of GMD
Public service: A caller reported dropping her car keys under her car seat. The condition was corrected, the officer reported.
Locked in
9:13 p.m. – 4800 block of GMD
Public service: Woman told police she was locked inside her apartment. Officers reportedly talked woman through putting the lock back on the door and opening it.
Sept. 28
Thunderstorm suspected
9:01 p.m. — 700 block of Old Compass Road
Residential Burglar Alarm: An officer who was checking out a motion alarm found all doors and windows secured in a dark home with no car in the driveway. A strong thunderstorm was moving through the area. No further action needed.
Sept. 30
Noise warning
7:50 a.m. – 6200 block of GMD
Disturbance complaints: Two male construction supervisors from Bradenton were issued a verbal warning for a code violation after police checked a construction noise complaint. Supervisors said they would ensure subcontractors do not start before 8 a.m. or continue working past 5 p.m.
Fraud foiled
12:55 p.m. — 3300 block of GMD
Identity Theft: A 76-year-old women reported purchases of more than $600 were made on a $900 Kohl’s Department Store credit line in Alabama opened in her name by a scammer. The woman does not have a Kohl’s account. A Kohl’s associate assured the victim she would not be held responsible for any charges. The victim lost no money, according to the police report. Case closed.