- September 18, 2024
Feb. 27
Financially insecure
2:48 p.m. — 5800 block of GMD. Fraud. An unknown person began using a man’s debit card information to make purchases back in 2003, so the man had a fraud alert placed on his account. The alert determined that someone tried to open an account in his name in 2008. Over the past few years, an unknown person tried to change his address on financial accounts at least six times. Fraudulent use of his store credit card began in 2013, after he made a purchase at the store, and two months ago, an unknown person attempted to open a PayPal account in his name. The man asked police to document the incidents.
March 2
Just doing my job
6:09 a.m. — 1400 block of GMD. Suspicious Circumstance. A condo guard said a newspaper deliverywoman drives through the complex erratically. That morning, he saw her pacing in the parking lot, and she appeared to be looking into cars. The guard warned the woman that he would call police if she continued to walk through the lot, but she said she did not care because she is just doing her job. Police could not locate the woman but have had contact with her in the past and believe she may be mentally ill.
Noisy neighbor
5:17 p.m. — 600 block of Dream Island Road. Code Enforcement. Police told a woman they received a complaint about her loud music. She was having a party in the backyard and agreed to turn down the music. She told police that one of her neighbors called them because doesn’t like her.
Don’t forget to lock up
5:33 p.m. — 800 block of Jungle Queen Way. Security Check. A man called after noticing an open door at a home. Police found nothing suspicius and closed the door but could not lock it. Dispatch contacted the homeowners, who said they would have someone lock it in the morning.
March 3
No violations here
10:29 a.m. — 600 block of Emerald Harbor Drive. Traffic. A resident complained that a car had been parked in front of a home for a week. Police were unable to contact the owner. The vehicle had current registration and was legally parked, so there was no action.
March 5
Sleepy cyclist
6:44 a.m. — 400 block of GMD. Suspicious Person. A man was sleeping near the table of a gas station. He told police he was riding his bike from Holmes Beach to Nokomis and stopped because he was tired, but didn’t mean to fall asleep.