- February 18, 2025
April 16
Audible threat
11:36 a.m. — 500 block of Spanish Drive S. Harassing Phone Call. A woman received a voicemail in which the caller whispered and at one point said, “I will kill you.” Parts of the message were inaudible. Police believe it was probably a prank call and told her to call them if she receives additional messages.
April 17
Set in concrete
5:59 p.m. — 400 block of N. Shore Road. Code Enforcement. A contractor who was working after hours told police if he did not complete the work at the site, there would be structural defects in the concrete work that could cost up to $50,000 to fix. Police told him to complete the concrete work as soon as possible and contacted the site manager to tell him to schedule all work during regular hours.
April 19
Moving day
8:44 a.m. — 1600 block of GMD. Public Service. The longtime owner of a shuttered resort and several others wanted to move his paintings and other belongings from his unit, which is located in a building the town considers unsafe. Police told him the public is prohibited from the building until repairs and inspections are completed. The man will seek clarification from the town about whether he can retrieve his belongings.
April 20
Breaking up is hard to do
2:43 p.m. — 500 block of Sanctuary Drive. Disturbance. A woman and her live-in boyfriend broke up, but he continues to email her and leave voicemails. He wrote in an email that if she does not call him back, she will not like the revenge. Police called the man, who said he is staying with his daughter in Kentucky and is calling his ex-girlfriend in hopes of reconciliation. By “revenge,” he meant he would tell their friends the real reasons they had problems. He agreed to stop contacting her but admitted it would be difficult.
April 21
The ham burglar
10:51 a.m. — 3000 block of Grand Bay Blvd. Larceny. A 5-pound ham was stolen from a locked condo clubhouse refrigerator that was subsequently re-locked. The victim had secured the refrigerator with a chain and lock because of prior thefts. The condo manager and the victim do not know who could have taken the ham.
Something’s fishy
4:08 p.m. — 500 block of Ranger Lane. Suspicious Circumstance. Someone tossed a dead fish against a woman’s door and tried to get into the home through the back door. The woman said she recently made controversial comments on her blog and believes the fish toss could be connected.