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Longboat Key Cops Corner: Keep the glass, call the husband

Police reports from around Longboat Key.

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  • | 5:00 a.m. April 12, 2022
  • Longboat Key
  • Cops Corner
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Friday, April 1

No breakage required

2:45 p.m., 4000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Citizen assist: The driver of a car in which two dogs, a cell phone and the ignition keys were locked inside asked an officer to break a window to solve the problem. The officer asked if a spare set was available and drove to the woman’s home in the 2500 block of GMD at her request to pick up her husband and the  keys. Upon the officer’s and husband’s return to the retail store at which the car was parked, the door was opened and all was well.

Off the road

3:45 p.m., 2500 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic hazard: An officer encountered an overheating vehicle that had stopped running in the southbound lane. The hood was up and the four-way emergency flashers were on. The officer helped the driver shift into neutral, and the vehicle was pushed to safety. Co-workers were contacted to bring additional coolant for the vehicle.

Saturday, April 2

Locked up tight

12:20 a.m., 800 block of St. Judes Drive

Citizen assist: A couple was found walking around a retail establishment that was near rental properties. The couple said they were locked out of their rental, and all the information on the rental was stored on a smartphone, which had a dead battery. The officer stayed with the couple until the locksmith they called could arrive.

When the wind blows

6:20 p.m., 700 block of Spanish Drive

Citizen assist: A caller notified police that materials left on his roof were blowing away in a strong wind. Police informed the caller that the issue was a civil matter.

Sunday, April 3

A lot to unpack, here

1:20 p.m., New Pass

Boating call: Police went to Overlook Park on a call about a boat that seemed out of the ordinary that was anchored nearby. An officer encountered an older-looking sailboat and spoke from shore to a man on board. The man said he was there to search with a metal detector for a ring reported lost in the area and that his vessel was fine. He added that if police were to get a subsequent call about an odd noise coming from his vessel, it would likely be his yellow-crested cockatoo, which he then went below and produced for the officer. The man made clear he had the proper navigation lights to remain anchored overnight.

Thank you

9:23 p.m., 4500 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Citizen assist: A caller to police reported people on the beach with flashlights. An officer explained that such activities were not prohibited outside of turtle-nesting season and the town's beach closing hour had not yet arrived. The caller said she appreciated the explanation and that she reported what she saw because she didn’t otherwise know what to do.

Monday, April 4

Going nowhere fast

11:07 a.m., police headquarters

Found property: A resident came to the police station to turn in a Ferrari key found on New Pass bridge. It was locked up for safe keeping.

Tuesday, April 5

Greens keeping

6:05 a.m., 1000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Noise complaint: A resident called police to alert them to early-morning noise from golf course maintenance equipment. The officer explained that the town’s work-noise ordinance does not cover golf course machinery.

Not going anywhere

3:10 p.m., 2400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Citizen assist: A disabled car was blocking the northbound lane when an officer pulled up. The officer attempted a jump start, but the engine would not respond, nor would the transmission shift into neutral. While an auto-service wrecker was en route, the officer parked behind the disabled car with his vehicle’s emergency lights activated.

Wednesday, April 6

Blow out

7:52 p.m., 3400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Citizen assist: An officer stopped to render assistance to an out-of-town driver with a flat tire until a road service representative could arrive.

Thursday, April 7

Problem solved

9:05 p.m., 700 block of Lands End Drive

Noise: Police investigated a report of loud music coming from a boat near Greer Island. No police patrol boat was available, but land-based officers were able to covey to the boat’s occupants that the noise they were producing was annoying. The boat was last seen leaving the area.

Friday, April 8

Two-wheeled assistance

12:47 p.m., 5800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic hazard: An officer on patrol removed a large palm branch from the roadway that was completely blocking the highway’s southbound bicycle lane.


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