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Film review: 'Manchester by the Sea'

Casey Affleck's haunting, heartbreaking performance might be his best yet.

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  • | 11:30 a.m. December 12, 2016
  • Arts + Entertainment
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Casey Affleck's acting is always understated but deeply felt. In "Manchester by the Sea," he delivers a performance — his best ever — that will haunt you beyond belief.

Affleck stars as Lee Chandler, a man of few words, who is forced to return to his hometown when his brother, Joe (a superb Kyle Chandler), suddenly dies. After the funeral, Lee discovers that Joe designated him as guardian to his 16-year-old nephew, Patrick (Lucas Hedges). It's not a task he's up to, as flashbacks begin to explain.

Lee must confront his tragic past as he tries to work out a solution for his sex-crazed, sarcastic nephew. It's evident that Lee truly wants what's best for everyone, including his ex-wife (an incredibly raw Michelle Williams) who still resides in the seaside town. But painful memories have broken him to the point of inability. We soon gain insight as to the source of Lee's pent-up, debilitating despair. And it will tear a hole in your heart. 

Writer-director Kenneth Lonergan has created a delicate portrait of grief in his third film ("You Can Count on Me," "Margaret"). He dissects Lee's unimaginable existence with scalpel-like precision but also manages to interject some humorous touches along the way. A gifted artist, Lonergan balances the unspeakable with great humanity and fearlessness. Beautiful cinematography (shot on location) and hypnotic scoring soothe the tension that permeates this visceral masterpiece.

But it's Casey Affleck's fiercely heartbreaking performance that defines "Manchester by the Sea." The stoner-voiced star of such great films as "Gone Baby, Gone," "The Killer Inside Me" and "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" was born to play this guilt-ridden soul. It's perfect work that demands an Oscar for Best Actor.

Toward the end of "Manchester by the Sea" Duke Ellington's "I'm Beginning to See the Light" is performed by The Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald. It is a welcome ray of hope, strategically placed.   


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