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Voters sound off on local politics

Important issues face county voters, with two half-cent sales tax initiatives on the ballot.

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  • | 11:16 p.m. October 27, 2016
Lorraine Woods
Lorraine Woods
  • East County
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Sound off


Along with making important national and state decisions, Manatee County residents face important local choices Nov. 8.

Besides the presidential election, this year’s ballot includes votes on state issues, such as the use of personal solar panels, medical marijuana, and two separate homestead tax exemptions.

Locally, Manatee County voters will determine the future of two proposed half-cent sales taxes, which will set the course for maintaining and replacing county infrastructure.

The first, No. 6 County Referendum, as it appears on the ballot, is a new half cent infrastructure surtax for Manatee County. Revenues from the tax would be used to fund ongoing maintenance and repairs of existing infrastructure, particularly for roads and transportation-related improvements (71%), equipment for the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office and public safety (15%) and parks and community amenities (15%).

Manatee County has prepared a list of projects that would be funded through the initiative at

The second county referendum is to renew an existing half-cent sales tax for the Manatee County School District. Revenues would be used on renovations, new schools, increased safety, technology, property acquisition and replacement of equipment.

Both county referendums are for a 15-year sales tax.

The Observer asked local residents to discuss their vote:


“We have a vested interest with children in the school system. We need some accountability, especially financially. I voted to continue (the sales tax) to support our school system.”
– Lorraine Woods, Rye Preserve


“The amendment about the infrastructure sales tax is the most important. Developers were given breaks that now we’re asking the citizens to pay for. Make the developers pay the way.”
— Matt Woods, Rye Preserve


“The half-cent infrastructure sales tax is most important. Our roads are a mess. I think the county needs it. If they don’t have the money now and this will help improve the roads, then it’s a good thing to pass. It’s supposed to improve parks, as well.”
— Lori Basilone, Tidewater Preserve


“I would like to see much more support for education. Our education system has been very crippled by training our children to take tests, rather than experiencing their full potential and taking advantage of other means of learning.”
— Janet Svaral, Fairfield


“The sales tax issue for the roads is very important. There’s congestion all over the place. I support the tax.”
— John Corogin, University Park Country Club


“I think the tax percentage for the schools is important because they are running out of room and there’s so many people coming to the area. I think we are all fortunate enough around here to afford the half-percent.”
— Linda Johnson, Lakewood Ranch


“Our roads need help. Our schools need help.”
— Linda Preslar, Tara Golf and Country Club



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